**STORE IS CLOSING 1/1/25 -- Please place ALL orders on my ETSY Shop (click on this bar to redirect)

About / Canvas Info

In August 2017, I ventured into the art of creating signs. Since then, I have been successfully selling my work on ETSY. However, I have made the decision to migrate to my own website. Rest assured, my presence on ETSY continues, and if you would like to view customer reviews, please visit www.etsy.com/shop/samantha716creations.

The foundation of all my signs lies on the canvas surface. Utilizing acrylic paints, I paint each design and finish it off with a protective coating of either matte or gloss varnish. This meticulous process ensures long-lasting durability, allowing my creations to withstand the test of time.

Allow me to provide you with some information regarding the canvas I use. The canvas surface is of a medium texture, and it is free from any acid or harmful substances. Each canvas is crafted from 100% cotton duck material and is triple primed with acrylic titanium, along with a sizing that is acid-free. Furthermore, the canvas is stretched and secured to a kiln dried wooden frame of 5/8" thickness.

Should you have any inquiries or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. You can send me a message at samanthas716creations@yahoo.com.

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